Orange Acres Backbreakers
Club & Meeting Information
Community Club Leaders:
Debbie Mongan
Melissa Sara
Contact this club:
2023-2024 Meeting Information:
Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.
Contact Club Leader for link or location.
2023-2024 Approved Projects
Birds: Market/Meat Turkey*
Birds: Market/Meat Poultry
Birds: Poultry
Cake Decorating
Cattle: Beef*
Cattle: Dairy*
Dog Care & Training**
Equine: Horse and Pony*
Goat: Dairy*
Goat: Meat*
Goat: Pygmy**
Public Speaking**
Rabbits: Market*
Sheep: Market*
Swine: Market*
*Available for Cross-Clubbing (with approval)
**Offered as Countywide Project